Do you want to pass PMI-ACP certification? Try our PMI-ACP prep. exam simulator. Definitely this simulator will help you to pass PMI-ACP exam.
The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® formally recognizes your knowledge of agile principles and your skill with agile techniques. It will make you shine even brighter to your employers, stakeholders and peers.
The PMI-ACP spans many approaches to agile such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD.) So it will increase your versatility, wherever your projects may take you.
Our PMI ACP exam simulator (practice tests) includes:
- 1 free assessment (60 questions)
- 8 mock tests (80 questions each)
- 1 mock exam (120 randomly selected questions out of 640)
- List of all questions from PMI ACP exam sample questions (640 questions) and explanations for all questions
Unlike Scrum certifications, the PMI-ACP exam contains many situational questions, covers all domains and roles, as well as it requires basic knowledge of other methods such as XP, SAFe, or DA.
The PMI ACP is much broader and more general than Scrum, focusing on Agile principles, values and mindset, and does not focus only on Scrum, but includes Kanban, Lean and XP. For the PMI ACP, you have to understand adaptive planning, stakeholder management, value-driven delivery, problem detection, and continuous improvement concepts. c
The Project Management Institute does not disclose the passing score nor how many questions a PMI-ACP candidate needs to answer correctly. The PMI-ACP® exam candidate does not even know their scores for the exams, the exam report just shows the proficiency level —there are 3 of them: